Landscape maintenance services
Spring and Fall clean-ups, including: de-thatching lawns, power brooming sand and gravel off of edges of lawn along driveways and road edge. Also removing leaves, pine needles and debris off of lawn from winter. In the fall, cleaning leaves, pine needles and branches off lawns and out of beds. We own a leaf vacuum as well so we can truck your leaves away if necessary.
Lawn repair and restoration, including: reseeding, overseeding, sodding, patching spots or divots, rototilling area's to re-seeded.
Lime and fertilizer applications: we always prefer to use only organic fertilizer where possible because we believe that everyone's actions effect our environment, mother earth and all living things.
Scheduled mowing and trimming: we have several professional mowers and trimming equipment to keep your property looking great.
Garden maintenance, including: rototilling, weeding, edging, mulching, pruning, and trimming.